Meet Hints | What . . . When . . . How-to
What to Bring — Swimmers
- Team Suit, Team Shirt, Team Cap & Plenty of towels (3 to 4 depending on number of events)
- Warm clothing (mornings at meets can be cool)
- Blanket or towel to sit on
- Cards, word games, smile, good attitude. NO ELECTRONICS (electronics and H20 do not mix)
What to Bring — Parents
- Chair(s) and Shade/tarp if you have one & extras are needed
- Extra Cash — every team offers concessions during meets. It's a fundraiser for all teams so please support the concessions effort.
- Sharpie marker
- Heat Sheet — print at home
- Camera
- Visors, Sunglasses, Sunscreen, especially for nose and shoulders (apply at home when at all possible).
- Positive attitude & team cheer.
When to Arrive
- Arrive early — at least 20 minutes prior to Orca warm-up time. Look for "Note from Coach" prior to meet.
- As a general guideline, swimmers should be ready at 6:45 for home meets & 7:00 for away meets.
- Dual meets start promptly at 8:00 a.m. unless otherwise specified.
- Swimmers are expected to be on time for warm-up and available for relay substitutions.
- Times for the Championship Meet will be posted toward the end of the season.
At the Meet
- If you can arrive at the meet early to stake out a "team area" (preferably with some shade) that's helpful! If you have extra hands available please help "tent people" with area set-up.
- Swimmers should stay in team area, within their age-group area. If leaving age-group area other than to swim, swimmers should let the assigned age-group parent know.
- Listen for your event and be ready to go to the "ready bench."
- Parents - please know where your swimmer is at all times. Please reinforce to your swimmer that they are responsible for remaining with their age-group parent leader.
- It is ultimately the swimmer's responsibility to get to the ready bench and the blocks on time.
- Make sure you check with the coach & your age-group parent before you leave the meet. You may be needed for a relay!
- Please use trash cans for your garbage. We are a clean team!
- One other mandatory item — Have FUN :)
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