Team Suits and Gear
Team Suits are IN at SwimFreak Swim Shop.
To purchase your team gear you can:
- Order at this SwimFreak WILD ORCAS link.
- Head to SwimFreak (Map) for sizing & purchasing.
- Try on at WO Club on 4/25 or 4/29 & then purchase on site.
SwimFreak Swim Shop - our Team Dealer is offering the best price on suits & other equipment. Suits have been pre-ordered for the Orcas and are "in stock now" at the shop! Swimmers can also attend special fitting session at WO on 4/25 and 4/29.
AT WESTOVER CLUB: Thurs 4/25 (5-7) and Mon 4/29 (5-7)
ORDER ONLINE at: Wild Orca Team Order Page
hours: Tues-Fri (10-6), Sat (10-3)
4032 S. Lamar Blvd., Ste. 500
Austin 78704
CAPS — It is suggested that swimmers wear a cap at swim meets, for team spirit, uniformity, and speed. If wearing a cap, it is required that one of the official Wild Orca swim caps be worn. Swimmers with long hair are expected to keep it pulled back and braided to keep out of face and not inhibit stroke technique (hard to breathe with hair in the mouth). The registration form will present opportunity to order latex or silicon black cap. Personalized cap will also be offered in 2024!
TEAM SHIRT — Each swimmer receives a shirt with registration. Additional shirts are available for purchase if pre-ordered with registration and a few extras will be available at Orca events. Order early!
FINS — Fins are required at practice for 6&u, 7&8, 9-10 age groups. Each swimmer should have his own pair, marked on top of fin (Sharpie works well) with swimmer name. "Tritan" (carried by SwimFreak) is the Coach's preference. Besides the most economical Tritans give the best support along with flexibility. "Speedo" swim fins are second choice. (Regular size, nothing fancy, no dive fins with heel strap, no split fins!). Ask Coach Jonny if you have any questions.
OTHER GEAR — The team has kick boards and buoys for our Orcas to use in training. If your swimmer brings their own make sure that it is identifiable and retrieved from the deck after practice.