How-to Register for a swim meet
- Go to and click Login.
- Sign on to your account. If you can’t remember your password, click Forgot your password? to reset your password.
- Go to Home page and select Meet Registration under the Meets & Events tab.
- Click Job Sign-up link and sign up for volunteer shifts (note one parent may sign in both parents to save time of registering, scroll down and you’ll see the other parent listed). If you know you and your spouse will not be at this meet, skip this step.
IMPORTANT VOLUNTEER NOTE: As you register for the meet as a volunteer, please stay within your assigned role and sign up for a shift that fits your schedule. You will notice that not all jobs are listed, since some jobs require specific training (stroke and turn judge) or task training. IF there are no more shifts within your designated role, please signup for another role in order to help us with our commitment to run a successful swim meet for our swimmers. Please notify the lead parent of your originally designated role (leads are listed on our website under Volunteer Leads under "Parents" tab). They will be receiving reports that come from this sign-up and they will ultimately be fixing the schedules needed to run the meet. If you can’t reach the Lead Volunteer, please contact the Orca Team Manager at [email protected].
- Click Save Assignments.
- Click Back to Swim Meets.
Click Meet Entry and then click Edit.
For each of your swimmers, select an option from the drop down menu. The menu reads:
- Attending this meet
- Not attending this meet
For each of your swimmers, select an option from the drop down menu. The menu reads:
- Select up to three events that your swimmer would like to swim. If a prompt comes up that asks if you have received coach’s approval, make sure you get Coach's approval on deck or via email. Coaches continually "check" swimmers for approval to swim new strokes.
- Relay Availability: Selecting the correct option is very important as Coach Jonny needs to know who is available to swim relays. Please read: Relay Info
- Notes for Coach: Add a note to coach if you desire, i.e. question about a new event, etc.
- Click Save Entries to record your choices.