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    Team Contacts:

    If you have any questions, comments, or compliments please feel free to contact any of the following team or parent leads.  We aim to promote a healthy environment for all to enjoy so if something troubles you please direct the issue and any suggestions to our Team Manager and/or Head Coach in order that your concern may be addressed in the most positive and effective way.

    [email protected] (goes to Head Coach & Team Manager)
    [email protected] (goes to Head Coach)
    [email protected] (goes to Team Manager — see volunteer roles)
    [email protected] (goes to Treasurer)
    [email protected] (goes to Head Coach, Computer, Age-group, Relay, Team Manager and is meant for last minute swim meet issues.)
    [email protected]
    (goes to Webmaster - for any issues related to web site or Swimtopia)

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